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GGA Board Member
Mitchell Moss

Henry Hart Rice Professor of Urban Policy & Planning, New York University Wagner School of Public Service 


Mitchell L. Moss, Henry Hart Rice Professor of Urban Policy and Planning, teaches and does research on urban planning and politics, with special emphasis on economic development, telecommunications, and the governance of New York City. From 1988 to 2004, Professor Moss served as Director of the Taub Urban Research Center. He is the author of a study on the need for reform of The Stafford Act, the principal federal legislation governing federal disaster policies. Professor Moss's essays have appeared in The New York Times, the New York Daily News, New York Newsday, The New York Post, and The New York Observer.


Professor Moss was voted Professor the Year by NYU Wagner students in 2002 and in 2003, he was awarded the American Planning Association's NY Metro Chapter's Robert Ponte Award for his contribution to the vitality of the New York Area. He is the member of a Steering Committee of the Association for a Better New York.

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